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  • Writer's pictureAlexander Velky

Portfolio - Editorial - Playlouder

Updated: Jul 3

One of my earliest jobs in London was working as the editor of a music website off Brick Lane.

The site had been an editorial-based music mag, similar to Melody Maker or NME; popular in London, but with less national reach. I'd previously written album reviews and a couple of interviews for the website, and got the job because I was open to flexible working (i.e. two days a week) and probably at least partly because my brother used to work there. (The first and, I think, the last time I was a beneficiary of nepotism.)

At the time I took over, the website-owners were seeking finance to remodel the site as a user-generated-content affair more akin to a social network based around music – think Facebook and Spotify combined (although the latter didn't then exist).

My role was to keep the site ticking over with plenty of content during this planned transition, but on a much reduced budget: austerity journalism, if you will. I produced news, features, interviews, album-reviews and the like; I also managed a small team of contributing journalists – one of whom went on to be editor of the NME website; though I really can't claim credit for that. (And yet I have mentioned it.)

Impressively, the Internet Archive Wayback machine has studiously avoided archiving a single page of the Playlouder website for the 9 months I was editor (January to November 2008). I'll put this down to the constant state of tech-flux tinkering rather than any discerning judgment passed by the web-crawlers on my writing style or publishing choices. Nevertheless, over that time I published about 180,000 words on the website (many of them ill-advised compound adjectives) and attributed my work to at least three pseudonyms in order to make it look like we had more people writing for us than we really did.

A few clippings survive on the internet archive from the period just after I left to go full-time in my agency web-editor job. Here's the front-page of Playlouder (2.0) back in 2008, and a couple of the last things I published (pseudonymously) before the site wound down:

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