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  • Writer's pictureAlexander Velky

Portfolio - Copywriting - Persil

Updated: Jun 4

I worked as lead (freelance) copywriter on brand claims for Persil "Small and Mighty" for UK language consultancy The Writer in 2013.

Persil Small and Mighty is a a highly concentrated liquid detergent for removing tough stains. Unilever was rolling out the new product in its Southeast Asian markets and wanted to explore options for summarizing the brand claims.

The challenge was in positioning a particular washing-machine detergent product, aimed at national markets where hand washing was still the norm, emphasizing the comparative benefits of the product as opposed to hand-wash alternatives; but with "no mention of hands or hand-washing at all"(!)

The aim: to persuade punters of the benefits of switching to machine-washing. (No mean feat, as the investment in a washing machine is a whole other consideration to just trying out a new detergent as a one-off...)

Following the agency's process for putting together a portfolio of alternative routes, we decided on 5 areas of focus: 1. No more hand-washing; 2. Rise of the machines; 3. Deep cleaning [with enzymes]; 4. It’s all in the ball; and 5. Saves effort, frees time.

Here are a few screenshots from some of those:

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